Hanakuh sweaters come on baby light my menorah
Hanakuh sweaters come on baby light my menorah

hanakuh sweaters come on baby light my menorah

The Chanukah lights are kindled every night of Chanukah. Make sure the menorah is on a sturdy, fireproof surface that is out of the reach of children and not near curtains or other flammable materials ( more safety tips). This option should only be exercised if the window is less than thirty feet above ground-level.

hanakuh sweaters come on baby light my menorah

Or you can set up your menorah on a windowsill facing the street. Ideally, the menorah lights should be between 12 and 40 inches off the ground. This way, when you pass through the doorway, you are surrounded by two mitzvot - the mezuzah and the menorah. Place it on a chair or small table near the doorpost that is opposite the mezuzah. You can set up the menorah in a central doorway. In the home, there are two preferred locations for the menorah. In places where this is prohibited, a rabbi should be consulted as to where to kindle the menorah. Students who live in dormitories or their own apartments should kindle menorahs in their own rooms or in a communal dining area. If you will be spending the night in a Jewish home, you have the option of giving your host a dollar or so, a symbolic contribution towards the menorah expenses, and then you are covered by his/her menorah lighting - or better yet, light your own menorah too. If you are traveling out of town, set up your menorah wherever you will be staying for the night. But the Chanukah lights used to fulfill the mitzvah should be real flames fueled by wax or oil – like the flames in the Holy Temple. If it is a candle menorah, the candles should be large enough to burn for the required time.Įlectric menorahs are great for display purposes, and are a wonderful medium for publicizing the Chanukah miracle. If it is an oil menorah, the oil cups must hold enough oil to burn for the required time – at least 30 minutes on weeknights, and up to one-and-a-half hours on Friday evening (see Special Shabbat Rules below). The eight candles of the menorah must be arranged in a straight, even line, not in a zigzag or with some lights higher than others. Beautifying a mitzvah is our way of expressing our appreciation to G‑d, and showing how dearly we hold His commandments. So, if at all possible, go for the silver menorah (you can browse a selection of menorahs here). Whenever purchasing a mitzvah article, we try to buy the most beautiful one that is within our means. Cotton wicks are preferred because of the smooth flame they produce. Since the miracle of Chanukah happened with olive oil – the little cruse of oil that lasted for eight days – an oil menorah is preferable to a candle one, and olive oil is the ideal fuel. The Chanukah lights can either be candle flames or oil-fueled. The basic elements of a kosher menorah are eight holders for oil or candles and an additional holder, set apart from the rest, for the shamash ("attendant") candle. This year, we start lighting the menorah on Sunday night, December 18, 2022. To commemorate and publicize these miracles, we light the Chanukah menorah (also known as a chanukiah) on each of the eight nights of Chanukah. Miraculously, the one-day supply of oil lasted eight days and nights, and the holiday of Chanukah was established. All that remained was one cruse of pure oil, enough to last one night-and it would take eight days to procure new, pure oil. When they reclaimed the Holy Temple, on the 25th of Kislev, they wished to light the Temple’s menorah (candelabrum), only to discover that the Greeks had contaminated virtually all the oil. He outlawed the study of Torah and the observance of its commands, and defiled the Holy Temple in Jerusalem with Greek idols.Ī small, vastly outnumbered band of Jews waged battle against the mighty Greek armies, and drove them out of the land.

#Hanakuh sweaters come on baby light my menorah series

Some 2100 years ago the Land of Israel came under the rule of the Syrian-Greek emperor Antiochus, who issued a series of decrees designed to force his Hellenistic ideology and rituals upon the Jewish people.

Hanakuh sweaters come on baby light my menorah